Eastern Ontario Fastball Blog

A blog dedicated to news about the Greater Ottawa Fastball League and other happenings in the world of fastball / fastpitch softball in eastern Ontario and western Quebec, with occasional stories featuring Mrs Fitzroy Fastball, Fitzroy Fastball Junior and the Caveman. If you have info to send on, send me an email at fastball[at]fitzroyharbour.com. Follow @fitzroyfastball on Twitter.

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Thursday, August 01, 2013

Harbour Ball happenings

The Fitzroy Harbour Men's Fastball League is winding down its regular season, with playoffs starting soon in the 10 team recreational league. Regular blog readers know that "Harbour Ball" can be a bit quirky. A couple more incidents for your amusement.

Fashion sense: There are nine men's teams (plus a midget team) in the league, and each team is issued a specific coloured T-shirt with sponsor's name on the back. For instance, last night my Red team (sponsored by Dunrobin Meat Market) played the Black team (sponsored by Clouthier Custom Carpentry). It is hit and miss on whether guys wear their shirt or not. I'd say about 80% on any particular night. You wouldn't think it would be that tough to have your team shirt clean and ready to go once a week, but oh well it is a rec league. And not everyone wears ball pants (some shorts, track pants, etc.), though most do.

Last night, the game following ours was the Blue team vs the Orange team. One of the Orange team players was wearing a Hydro safety shirt in orange - one with a reflective "X". So a little different, but since he is on the orange team, not completely out of uniform....but the lower half was something to be seen. He was wearing black shiny wind pants - tucked into knee socks! A strong look I highly recommend. (Just picture that. Then picture yourself trying to pitch to the guy without laughing.)

Y'er outta here!: As you can imagine in a recreational league, the officiating is essentially at the same level as the play. Good guys, trying their best, without always achieving perfection. There are at least two guys that work the plate in the league with their shinguards OVER their pants. The guy that worked our game last night is 70 and smoked a half pack of darts between innings. You get the idea.

Anyway, it is rare in Harbour Ball, but in any league with almost seventy games to date this year, there are bound to be a couple of ejections. Last week one of the players on the Green team was displeased with the call by an ump. He barked and was told that was enough. He decided to persist and was told:

"If you open your mouth again, you're out of here!"

So he did what any rationale ball player would do in that situation. Turned to the ump, opened his mouth wide....and didn't say a word.

He got kicked out.

Long live Harbour Ball!



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