U10@Play softball event announced for Petawawa on July 26
The Micksburg Twins Softball Association will be hosting a U10@Play event on Saturday, July 26, 2014! The event will feature a Softball Fun Zone, softball games, prizes for all participants and a Softball Skill Zone at the world class park: Petawawa Civic Centre! This venue has mini golf and a splash pad!
Players, Coaches and Fans will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the new minor rules for the U10@Play age group.
Date: Saturday, July 26, 2014
Age: U10
Location: Petawawa, ON
Rules: Softball Canada/Softball Ontario U10 New Minor Rules
Cost: To be Announced
Please note:
The number of players per team is as follows:
Suggested Maximum: 9
Suggested Minimum: 6
Chris Pleau
Labels: minor, Softball Ontario
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